viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

A christmas

Hi guys

I wiil speak about a experience I had about christmas with my family.
From  i was a kid, with my family always we ent to the field or any natural place to enojy a barbacue of lamb.
But one time was so difficult because when we return to my house, later than a beautiful dos days in the nature, with delicious food an d a lot of love, wa had a accidente in the pick up.

One of the two cars we had almost fall in  a precipice with my two little nephew. We feeled a lot of scare, many anguish. Was a lot 3 hours we can save the cars because the people was rescated so quickly. But we had many lucky because a family help us in that, because they lived in the field and they see the accident.

Their helpness was so important, and we could came back tio the home health and save.
In spite of the bad experience, the helpness, the love, and the Union kepped us together and did not happen a tragedy.

From thiS christmas, all was more intense.


Hi guys

From I was  kid, always practiced many differents sports. Mi first aloved sports was the futbol, I played in my neighborhood with all the kids from there. We played in the front of the magellanic strait, in a little flat place, so similra to a football field. But nevertheless, I wanted to do something different and I start playing table tennis. I Star with that at tuwlve years old, until sixteen. For me wass a great experience because i could represent to my Región in differents Nationals Tournament, and I win a lot of that. One time I was the number one in my category of the región during, almost one tears, and always i was between the three better players in mi city.
Thanks to it, I could travel in airplane for first time in my life, was a wonderful experience. I never travekled before than in my life. Punta Arenas was the one city i knewn.

I leave tablle tennis because the goverment did not have more resourses for us when we grew up (the boys and girls of my category). To everybody wass a great deception, and for that many of younger playes leave it sport. Later we knew that the trainers sltoled the money for us.

But, the table tennis is a beautiful sport, many time produce jokes because the comun people dont know the strictness of this sport.

Practice that, in the competition or to enjoy playing in the house is so healthy.


A picture

A picture or Image

Hi guys
I wiil peake you about mi favorite visual artist, and his best artwork for me.
The painter is Salvador Dali, and the arkwork is called "dream caused by the flihgt of a bee around a granade a second before awakening".
From the first time I see the paint, was incredible to see the differents expression in the artwork.
The imagination of Salvador Dali is impresionant and  together with his beautiful technique produce a shok in the people that see his work.
In the paint you can see many differente details wehre you can do a great analisis, and the thousand means in each image, in the bees, y the woman, in the tiger, the elefant. Everything in the artwork have a mean and have a relationship with the others elements in it.
I hope you like the picture, and enjoy of a great genious of the art inthe history of the art.


viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

A job

Hi gays

Today I gone speak you about a great job where i worked six years ago.
When I come back to mi land, the Magallanes region i had the oportunity of work like Logystical
Coordinator of A conservation and research program in the town of Puerto Williams.
Puerto Williams is the last  populated place in the south of the world. There live two thousand people approximately. Is a beautiful place, like a paradise, with mountains, sea, glaciers, animals, rivers, lake, is really a place where anybody can be happy.
The program where I worked is called Sub-antarctic Biocultural Conservation Program. they a have a natural reserve where are developed the different research of different subjects, like ornithology (reseach about Magellanic Woodpecker), in Subantarctic Forest (genre of nothofagus), and is developed the control of exotic species of animal like the beaver. The name of the reserve is Omora park. Omora is means humming bird in Yagan language.

I was trhe ranger forest in the park, doing functions of touristical guide, , enviromental classes to the student of the hight school in puerto williams, help like assistants in differents research,  keep in good conditions the park and to keep the control of the exotic species.

Was a great job. I learned like few time in my life, and I meeted a lot of goo people in the small town.
I leave this place because I wanted to do a career in the university, but i hope come back someday, and follow with the work I did.

A lot of regards, and I hope you see images or go sometime to Puerto Williams because is a paradise.


viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

A friend, my sister

Hi guys

I m going tu speak abut a great friends en mi life. Her name is geraldine, really she is mi older sister, but was mi best friend during graet part of my life.

Our friendship to star when i was 13 years old, and she was 17 years old. Although we always was friends, in this years its take a great force. we builted a great trust and complicity. I think the strongest factor in our relationship was the love for the music, principally chilena pun rock music. We listenned togheter a lot of different musical band of chilean punk rock like Los Miserables, Fiskales ad hok, Machuca, Los peores de Chile. The first album we listened was Sin Dios Ni Ley of Los miserables, where they plays different cover from anothers bands of Punk Rock from Spain like La Polla Recors or Kortatu, or Todos tus Muertos from Argentina.
For us, my sister and me the punk rock means mani differents thins, from the musical energy and rock sound, until the message expressed versus the capitalism sistemsand their message about indigenous people, versus the political corruptions.

I think, our Ideas y our musical taste were the principal thing to built our great friendship. Obviously, our love of brothers always existedand for it has been a wonderful experience to have to mi sister like mi best friends during many years.

Obviously, our frienship is not like before, because we are oldder, and each one to do his life in different cities. She right now live in Punta Arenas (place where we was born) with her partner and her two sons, beautiful family.
Always we speake in telephone, and try to keep the comucation. I go all the summer to Punta Arenas with mi daughter, and she (my daughter) is with her family, with  mi sister, my parents,  her cousins.
Is great to have and to keep a beautiful relationship with the brothers in the life, bacause it is practiced for our sons to.


viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Music is life

     In my life, one of thing that I love the most is the music. From I was a kid I had many inetrest for that. I liked to know diferents kins of music from diferrent places in the world.With the musci I can to be quiet always, to keep the calm, and I feel very good.
    However, mi passion always was to listen the music, y for that I never learned to play a instrument during my childhood, or in puberty. I think it happened because mi little brother from little kid was a great musician and singer. For this reason, we practices many sports during this time. But, when I was growing, I start to play teh guitar. For me, ir is great. I like play rock and roll, punk rock, chilean music among other. I can plays good, but for mi is so difficult to plays some music  I love like the jazz, or flamenco.

I like so much to the caribean music, fusion jazz with differents styles, ska, reggae, bossa nova, gipsy music, arabian music; and of course almost all the styles derivates of the blues and rock.

I would like and I hope to plays my guitar professionally someday, and my recomendation for all the participant of this blog is…listen music, open your sense to the music, and please listen less reggaeton.
