viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

A picture

A picture or Image

Hi guys
I wiil peake you about mi favorite visual artist, and his best artwork for me.
The painter is Salvador Dali, and the arkwork is called "dream caused by the flihgt of a bee around a granade a second before awakening".
From the first time I see the paint, was incredible to see the differents expression in the artwork.
The imagination of Salvador Dali is impresionant and  together with his beautiful technique produce a shok in the people that see his work.
In the paint you can see many differente details wehre you can do a great analisis, and the thousand means in each image, in the bees, y the woman, in the tiger, the elefant. Everything in the artwork have a mean and have a relationship with the others elements in it.
I hope you like the picture, and enjoy of a great genious of the art inthe history of the art.


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